The Art of Life: Finding Happiness at the Job with Arbejdsglæde

You can’t have everything you want, but you can have the things that really matter to you.

Marissa Mayer

If you ask me to work at my desk and find happiness to put it together, I will be unable to do that. Because for me, finding happiness while I am working, is nearly impossible.

I mean, is not it the same for most of us? Although we work for earning and making our living in a better way, that is indeed a way for giving us happiness in life.

But finding happiness while working? This seems quite hard as most time I am stressed at my work desk and finding a way to get rid of the workload.

Yet, I was surprised to see that there is a beautiful art of life that is meant to gift us some moments of happiness while working.

During my research for this series, I was getting introduced to many blissful arts of life that made me surprised, and pondered upon the thought that is it present?

One of the arts of life that made me surprised and happy, was the art of finding happiness at work. The Danish people call this Arbejdsglæde.

Finding Happiness at Job with Arbejdsglæde

This is what we need to incorporate into our daily life in order to get happiness.

When translated, the term Arbejdsglæde means to find the joy of working. Along with this, it also aims at finding good vibes and high energy at your workplace.

Therefore, it is all about looking forward to having contentment at work and achieving success in your career life.

Finding happiness at work means enjoying your work. And this will only happen when you will be passionate about your work.

If you choose your working field as per your own love and passion, then it will be easier to stay happy while working because you are doing what you love to do.

It is easier than it seems. If you want to practice Arbejdsglæde, at first, you need to ask yourself a few questions:

What is the work that I really like to do?

Am I really passionate about this?

What are the reasons that make me deliver my best to my workplace?

What keeps me going at my work every day?

Is it the work that helps to balance my work and family?

If your answer to all the above questions is Yes, then it is your dream job where you will certainly get happiness. But if you find any answer No, then you need to think twice.

Arbejdsglæde: Happiness at Work

It is said that if you find happiness, it is good, But if you do not find happiness, then you must create it. The same goes for the art of life that comes to gift you happiness while working.

With the concept of Arbejdsglæde, you will come to know what you really love to do. If you are not happy while working in your current job, then it is time to find what you love to do.

Because this is the only way you will find happiness while working.

I know which work makes me happy, do you know yours?

( I am participating in the #BlogchatterA2Z. You can head over to Blogchatter to know more about this exciting blogging challenge and join the camaraderie! )

6 responses to “The Art of Life: Finding Happiness at the Job with Arbejdsglæde”

  1. Reading a good post, good content makes me happy.
    I had a great time trying to pronounce the word Arbejdsglaede. Every time after ‘arbe’ part my tongue would turn in knots and my mind would freeze. It fetched me laugh while I failed with every new attempt to pronounce it 😉
    My take away from this post…make happiness if you can’t find one, as you rightly mentioned.


  2. Oh, yes. I wholly agree with this. Work ceases to feel like work when you love what you do and have your heart in it.
    I learned ‘Arbejdsglaede’ the hard way in life, but I’m glad I acted on it. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes Priyanka. I too believe in working with my own love for that work. Else is not a purposeful way of living. Thanks for reading.


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